crutches for eds

February 2015

Alison dressed her smartCRUTCH for a Wedding


I have always been very happy with Smartcrutches and I recommend them to anyone, particularly with EDS. Adjustable angles depending on what is hurting.

Alison dressed her smartCRUTCH for a Wedding2017-07-14T13:32:59+01:00

January 2015

smartcrutch, Improvements in shoulder and wrist pain


Potsyzebra recommends smartCRUTCH, Living Life with Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility Syndrome and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Reduced Pain!

smartcrutch, Improvements in shoulder and wrist pain2017-07-14T13:32:59+01:00

August 2014

Comfortable crutch review by Julia


With smart crutches the difference in comfort and support is really noticeable. My review is 20/10 for comfort, support, quality and personal adaptability!

Comfortable crutch review by Julia2017-07-14T13:33:00+01:00

Forearm Crutch reviews by Emma Jones


And the fantastic part of these cool SmartCRUTCH is the adjustable arms!! making them so unique. No longer is all the pressure placed on your hands/wrists!

Forearm Crutch reviews by Emma Jones2019-03-26T08:40:06+00:00
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